about ixat
corporate philosophy

It has been almost twenty years since I struck out on my own. I had no plans to set up a company initially, but the intervening years have marked a gradual evolution from my kernel pleasure in design for design’s sake. The years have also brought about a gradual transformation in my philosophy on design, too.

Design exerts a direct influence on people’s perceptions; it has a far-reaching, strong impact or, like a blow to the body, has the power to filter slowly through to the consciousness.
Design is emotional, not cerebral. It has a gentleness that appeals to the senses.
Moreover, there is also an agility to design that enables it to transcend not just age and gender, but ethnicity and national borders, too.

It is for these reasons that we believe in the possibilities of design.
Our goal is to use design, or more specifically, to go beyond design in helping people to connect. We seek to achieve client objectives and, at the same time, to offer happiness, comfort and pleasure to society.

Shinya Omori
Representative Director